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European wax market shifts


There are remarkable changes in the market for paraffin and olefin waxes.

These products are widely used in the rubber industry for form giving processes and ozone protection.
The European market for these waxes is presently undergoing remarkable changes.
BASF, said to be the biggest manufacturer of PE-waxes, has announced earlier this year to reduce the portfolio of PE waxes in 2024 drastically.
Sasol, a leading manufacturer of ozone protection waxes for the rubber industry and olefin waxes, has sold the European production.
This probably will, on one hand, lead to the necessity to introduce alternative products and on the other hand it can be expected that a certain lack of knowledge and long term know how regarding application technology could affect the market participants.
Based on the existing activities in the rubber and tyre industry FLEXILIS has started to develop alternative products together with our producing partner, DEUREX, located in Germany. Together we are offering to the rubber industry– beside a continuously increasing portfolio of various raw materials – form giving and ozone protecting additives that may be adjusted and modified exactly to each customer’s application including the very new processing aids metal- and fatty acid-free “T-Line Olefins”. For further information please see enclosed presentation.

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